Use of the device is a complementary alternative option designed to increase blood flow, provide neuromuscular re-education, reduce spasms, and prevent disuse atrophy. The device should not be relied upon as a complete alternative to treatment prescribed by your doctor. NeuPTTech makes no diagnosis in conjunction with the NEUFIT practitioner’s use of the device. Any and all information offered by NeuPTTech is done so on the basis of NeuPTTech’s experience and knowledge, and is taken by clinician at user’s own risk. NEUFIT practitioner understands that individual results will vary and that NeuPTTech makes no guarantee about any particular result.
REGULATORY STATEMENT. NEUFIT practitioner acknowledges that the device is subject to certain state and federal regulations, and agrees to follow the requirements set forth in those regulations. According to the FDA, the device is only available for use with the permission of a properly-licensed practitioner.