The Emotive Approach to Treating Patients with Chronic Illness
(This is a guest post from Jodi Hinkle, founder of HerQuest.net. Jason Waz works closely with Jodi to study the effects of the immune system and its relationship to the autonomic nervous system.)
Living with a chronic illness can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. Chronic illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis and symptoms like chronic fatigue and chronic pain can impact a person's physical, emotional and social well-being. This will significantly affect their ability to carry out daily tasks and activities.
Taking a Multifaceted Emotive Approach to Patient Recovery
Recovering from a chronic illness requires a multifaceted approach that involves medical treatment, rehabilitation and support - not just from loved ones but also healthcare providers. Traditionally, when helping a patient with a chronic illness regain their function, PTs focus on treatment and movement, but what may be overlooked is the importance of sincerity, respect and empathy and its role in fast-tracking recovery.
These three qualities alongside innovative technology increase the physical therapists ability to help individuals with chronic illnesses regain their function and improve their quality of life.
Sincerity: The Foundation of Trust
Sincerity involves being honest and transparent with patients about their condition, treatment options and potential outcomes. For individuals with chronic illnesses, sincerity is critical in building trust with healthcare providers and creating a sense of collaboration and partnership.
The HRV diagnostic and treatment system recommended by NeuPTtech generates autonomic nervous system metrics in “real-time.” These personalized metrics are utilized to guide our physical therapists to successfully adapt the treatment in each session to meet the immediate need of the patient.
When physical therapists share these metrics with patients to educate them about their current status and the progress being made, this objective data helps each patient to feel empowered and more committed to their personal recovery.
The hope and optimism that is inspired by “seeing” what is happening on the inside of their bodies positively influences their ability to believe they are going to recover. This hope inspires patients to follow through with prescribed treatment plans, make lifestyle changes and fully participate in rehabilitation programs.
Respect: Honoring Individuality
Respect involves honoring every individual's dignity, choices, preferences and recognizing their unique needs and circumstances.
For individuals with chronic illnesses, respect can help alleviate feelings of helplessness, isolation and stigma. It can also empower patients to take an active role in their treatment, supporting the development of personal confidence.
When your physical therapists share the data generated by an HRV diagnostic and treatment system, patients experience the positive impact of feeling heard and being understood. The data provides the specific information required to educate each patient how their unique needs and goals are being addressed, empower our patients to personally evaluate their specific progress, and together the patient and therapist celebrate the evidence of improvement underway as an ongoing component of every treatment plan.
Empathy: Connecting on a Deeper Level
Empathy is the ability to connect with someone on a deeper level and understand their emotions, experiences and perspectives. For individuals with chronic illnesses, empathy is a powerful tool that can help them feel heard, validated and supported.
When healthcare providers show empathy, they create a safe and supportive environment that encourages individuals to share their concerns, fears and hopes.
Ongoing objective data is collected by NeuPTtech’s innovative HRV system so your PTs can share with patients step by step throughout each treatment phase and develop even more personalized treatment plans that address the individual's unique needs and goals.
Sharing data empowers your physical therapists to be transparent with each patient. As patients personally see this evidence of their inner healing, they are more able to accept that their bodies need time to respond to treatment and remain committed to completing their treatment plan.
Go Beyond Conventional Treatments for Chronic Illness
Sincerity, respect and empathy are qualities that should be at the core of every PT provider's approach to treating individuals with chronic illnesses. These qualities help to build trust, honor individual dignity and connect on a deeper level which promotes collaboration and partnership between patients and healthcare providers.
By integrating innovative technology into the clinical rehabilitation programs, NeuPTtech’s tools and training can help you help others. PTs can help patients with chronic illnesses understand the impact that chronic disease has on various systems within their bodies and remain confident as they regain their function, improve their quality of life and achieve their health goals.
Contact NeuPTtech to learn more or purchase the NeuPT HRV System to get started right away helping patients maximize their independence and achieve the goals that matter most to them.