<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=188648080940781&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1"> Add Winback Therapy to Boost Your Clinic’s Revenue by $300 Per Patient

Add Winback Therapy to Boost Your Clinic’s Revenue by $300 Per Patient

It’s no secret that physical therapy clinics face operational and financial challenges as staffing becomes increasingly difficult and insurance reimbursements continue to decline. Now, practice owners are exploring cash-based services to make operations more efficient while diversifying revenue streams and reducing reliance on insurance payments. 

A particularly promising option is Winback Tecar Therapy, which not only enhances patient care but can also serve as a simple cash-based solution for your clinic.

Why Winback Tecar Therapy for Physical Therapy?

Winback Tecar Therapy, also known as Capacitive and Resistive Energy Transfer (TECAR), uses high frequency electrical current to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. This non-invasive treatment accelerates healing, reduces pain and improves mobility, making it a sought-after service for patients seeking quick and effective relief.

>> Learn more about the benefits of Winback Therapy for physical therapy

What is the Revenue Potential for Winback Therapy?

One of the key benefits of offering Winback Tecar Therapy as a cash-based service is its potential to boost clinic revenue. By converting just a small percentage (just 10 percent!) of your insurance-based patients to Winback treatments, you can generate significant growth for your clinic.

For example, if just 10 out of 100 patients opt in for a $300 monthly Winback treatment plan, this could add an extra $3,000 of revenue. Taking this cash-based approach can lead to a 20-30% increase in income, providing a more stable financial base for your clinic.

>> Curious about how Winback compares to Laser Therapy? Read more

Add Winback Therapy to Physical Therapy Patient Programs

Here are a few ways to seamlessly integrate Winback Therapy into your physical therapy patient programs and start maximizing its benefits:

  1. Training and Certification

Ensure your therapists are trained and certified in Winback Tecar Therapy. We offer comprehensive training programs with each Winback device purchase to help your team effectively implement the technology.

  1. Patient Education

Educate your patients on the benefits and process of Winback Therapy. Use clear, patient-friendly materials to explain how the therapy works and what they can expect during sessions. Including Winback Tecar Therapy into your practice's standard care offerings can significantly enhance patient outcomes. As you administer treatment, educate your patients on the benefits of this technology, emphasizing its potential to improve their recovery process.

  1. Tailored Treatment Plans

Combine Winback Therapy with other treatments like NEUBIE and PEMF to create comprehensive care packages. This approach enhances the perceived value and effectiveness of your services.

  1. Follow Up With Patients After Their Winback Session

Encourage them to evaluate how they feel post-session and to discuss the possibility of additional treatments during their next appointment. This approach not only optimizes patient care but also positions your practice as a forward-thinking leader in innovative therapeutic solutions.

  1. Bundled Packages

Create bundled therapy packages that include Winback Therapy, providing a holistic treatment plan that enhances the patient’s overall experience. As a cash-pay offer, Winback can appeal to people who don’t want to deal with the hassle of insurance providers.

Grow Your Revenue with Physical Therapy Business Coaching 

Our signature MVP coaching program for physical therapy owners supports clinic leaders in integrating advanced therapies, like Winback, into their practice. 

The different levels of our business coaching program offers training, marketing support and operational guidance based on the NeuPTtech Approach to ensure a seamless transition to a more profitable business model.

Jason Waz
Jason Waz
Jason is the founder of NeuPTtech and a private practice owner and PT in Tampa, FL. Alongside running NeuPTtech, the leading NEUBIE distributor and authority on physical therapy technology, Jason has developed proprietary training and support for NeuFit's NEUBIE device that is designed to help PT owners and clinicians easily bring this technology into their practice. His mission to bring the field of physical therapy into the next generation through science, research and innovation starts with the NEUBIE. Throughout the last few years, Jason and his research and development team at Competitive Edge Performance Physical Therapy have helped develop new systems and protocols for physical therapy technology including HRV, PEMF, Aerus, Torque Fitness and more!