NEUBIE Performance Enhancement and Injury Rehabilitation for Athletes
Technology doesn’t always deliver on its promise to improve performance. It’s the reason athletes often play through an injury or wait until the off season to recover – often further exacerbating the issue to a point beyond repair.
Luckily, the NEUBIE device has helped propel physical therapy technology and athletic rehab and performance by being successful in helping athletes recover from injury at a faster pace. The alternative to traditional electrical stimulation therapy has been proven to enhance sports performance gains for healthy individuals, without ever touching a weight.
The NEUBIE Device Improves Athletic Performance
In fact, the NEUBIE device has played a large role in improving the performance of athletes, recreational and professional. Did you know that a NEUBIE has been in the training room for both LA Dodgers and Washington Nationals championship seasons?
Consider this case study from Competitive Edge Performance, a physical therapy clinic in Florida. When an elite CrossFitter patient faced imminent back surgery, it would take the latest in emerging PT technology and just four treatments to save her spine and get her back(flipping) in no time.
Breakdown of Physical Therapy NEUBIE Treatments and Results:
It started with this MRI image:
Then, the athlete began training with Jason Waz and the NEUBIE.
For an elite CrossFitter who faced imminent back surgery, it would take the latest in emerging PT technology and just FOUR TREATMENTS to save her spine and get her back(flipping) in no time.
- Session 1: She was unable to bend to touch mid thighs and suffered from radiating leg pain and weakness. Surgery was imminent.
- Session 2: Unsolicited, she performed forward flexion and could touch the floor with her hands. She was now pain free.
- Session 3: She could resume light workouts with resistance and had no more symptoms.
- Session 4: She was back to doing backflips – completely symptom free!
Yep, that's the actual patient!
Competitive Edge Performance’s patient has now turned into one of our biggest practice evangelists and NEUBIE enthusiasts thanks to the recovery she experienced.
The NEUBIE Activates the Potential of Athletes
This physiologically-based system is designed to help athletes achieve greater levels of neurological activation and control in order to heal faster, get fitter, and perform better.
The FDA cleared the NEUBIE as a Class 2 Medical Device to be used for the following clinical applications:
- Maintaining or increasing range of motion
- Increasing local blood circulation
- Neuromuscular Re-education – enhancement of muscle recruitment and activation of the individual being treated
- Preventing atrophy – reducing spasms, preventing venous thrombosis after surgery
- Management or relief of chronic pain and management of post-surgical and post-traumatic acute pain
That leads to real-time results for athletes looking for big gains on and off the field, including:
- Reducing their typical healing time by 30-70%
- Getting in shape faster by building muscle and burning fat in fewer workout sessions
- Pushing through plateaus in performance by targeting the weak links in their nervous system
- Recovering faster by rebooting their nervous system, reactivating their muscles, reprograming movement patterns and regenerating their weary body
- Move pain free by rewiring dysfunctional neurological signals
The Benefits of NEUBIE Injury Rehabilitation
Strength and Conditioning Coach, Matt Cooper, outlines the benefits for athletes in his article, How to Rewire an Athlete’s Nervous System by mapping out the way the NEUBIE skirts traditional, output-based training systems and enables you to get in at the input level.
“The benefits address such areas as dramatically accelerated performance rehabilitation, enhanced dialogue between nervous and musculoskeletal systems, shortened corrective exercise time to effect (enhanced neuromuscular activation), enhanced contract and relax cycles, pain relief at the source, and beyond.”
-Matt Cooper
Get Started with the Performance Enhancing NEUBIE Device
Learn more about how the NEUBIE is the neurological reeducation athletes need to reprogram their signals, recover faster and bring their autonomic systems into balance. NeuPTtech has developed protocols via advanced virtual training modules that focus on use of the NEUBIE to significantly enhance cash based “optimal health” services.
Request a free NEUBIE ROI Assessment to learn how easily you can bring a NEUBIE into your practice and start accelerating the performance of your patients.