NEUBIE Case Study: Recovering from a Bicep Tear in 5 Weeks
For more than a decade, Jason had been working twice as hard to keep up with athletes half his age. Staying in the best shape possible and maintaining optimal health were his best offense. Nevertheless, when the forces of physics and nature meet, sometimes an injury is inevitable.
In October of 2021, Jason Waz’s team was only 30 seconds into the first game of the hockey season but they were already applying pressure on the opposition by maintaining possession of the puck.
Jason surged forward on the attack, taking a pass just across the blue line over the middle. Seeing an opportunity, he attempted to wrist the puck back across to the net for a teammate.
Something was wrong.
An electrical shock sensation and immediate cramp coursed through his elbow and forearm. Having torn his other distal biceps and requiring surgery twenty years earlier, he immediately knew the feeling. As he skated off the ice, he couldn’t believe his season was over after just 30 seconds of ice time.
It turns out, that quick movement created a forced shoulder flexion with his elbow in a supinated position. No amount of ice and rest would make this go away. The next morning, the pain was even worse. Using his experience as a physical therapist, Jason began to assess the damage. The primary pain came with a full elbow extension and he was unable to twist his arm.
Begrudgingly, Jason met with a doctor and had an MRI to confirm it was a complete rupture of the left distal bicep. He scheduled a surgery to take place in two weeks, knowing that would be the end of hockey season.

Using the NEUBIE to Improve Recovery and Gain Strength
Back at his private practice, Jason decided to initiate some NEUBIE mapping protocols plus Frequency Specific Microcurrent protocols, PEMF and Kinesiotape to try to minimize the proximal migration of the biceps and see what results were possible. One day after the incident, he set up the machine and began treating his mid biceps and proximity triceps, which remained extremely sensitive.
Eventually, after just one use, he was able to extend and then flex his elbow.
Jason decided to continue using the NEUBIE device for recovery of strength and mobility in his arm. In fact, just two days later, his pain and range of motion deficit improved by 50% and his bruising was gone.
One week after the bicep tear event, his pain was reduced by 80% and he was slowly returning to normal everyday activities.
With surgery still scheduled, Jason realized he might be on a much better path to recovery than he had previously imagined. His goal was to maintain mobility and minimize NM tension to avoid further retraction of the tendon.

Now his pain was 1 out of 10 with improved shoulder flexion during elbow extended lift or fast elbow reach like when dropping an object. Things were looking up indeed.
Less than two weeks from the injury, Jason was feeling 90% better with zero pain or range of motion limits. He was actually able to flex his bicep without pain and with palpable form activation. It reinforced, but on a much more personal level, what Jason already knew: the NEUBIE can help athletes recover faster.
Two weeks after the injury, he felt back to normal and had begun simulating shooting motions with a hockey stick while on the NEUBIE. Still zero pain and full range of motion.
After much deliberation, Jason decided to cancel the scheduled surgery and he spent the next few weeks continuing to push the boundaries of his recovery and workouts, utilizing the NEUBIE to strengthen his arms.
At the five week mark, Jason strapped his helmet on and skated back onto the ice.
Today, over 6 months later, there are still no issues (and no Popeye deformity on the bicep to boot). And while we can’t condone pursuing this treatment without the aid and advice of your own medical professionals, Jason concludes it was the right decision for him which led to a swift, surgery-free recovery.

See How the NEUBIE Can Help Fast Track Injury Rehabilitation
If you would like to see a protocol for this specific diagnosis or would just like to learn more about how the NEUBIE can be effective in the rehabilitation process, please comment on our website or contact NeuPTtech today!