2021 Study Confirms Long-Term Efficacy of NEUBIE Direct Current Therapy
Good news for NEUBIE practitioners everywhere: The research is finally catching up to the clinical success that physical therapists are experiencing with the NEUBIE.
Earlier this year, we highlighted the incredible work that Health in Motion is doing to prove ROI for NEUBIE owners and deliver results for patients. Be sure to check out how their team has been tracking patient outcomes using FOTO (“Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes”), a national database focused on tracking real-time patient outcomes across physical therapy treatments.
Alongside that incredible data, we also outlined the NEUBIE research currently underway by Neufit. These include examining Post-Surgical Outcomes, the Physiology of Muscular Adaptation, benefits for stroke rehabilitation, measuring the autonomic response to NEUBIE, therapeutic outcomes and more.
New Study Proves NEUBIE Improves Quality of Life in Participants
Now, we can share some exciting news out of Los Angeles, as Biostrap Labs and Neufit just finished a seven-week study in August 2021 that measured and quantified chronic pain, range of motion and physiological biometrics improvements with the use of the NEUBIE machine.
Check out the official press release from Biostrap Labs. We’ll paraphrase the results below:
In order to help uncover solutions for the 20.4% of adults in the US who suffer from chronic pain that impacts their sleep and wellness, decreases their quality of life and mental health while increasing their opioid dependence, this study presents proof of how to improve chronic pain.
While physical therapy and pain management were already existing solutions, the Biostrap and Neufit team examined the impact on autonomic function, perceived pain and sleep quality. The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) was chosen because it controls various aspects of our health, recovery and performance.
“Our initial question was about how the progress made with the NeuFit therapies affect the autonomic nervous system,” Ramona von Leden, PhD, director of research and clinical education at NeuFit, said. “If the range of motion and level of perceived pain are improving, is that then, in turn, related to improvements in autonomic function, sleep quality and overall quality of life of patients with orthopedic pain?”
To prove the hypothesis, 18 participants, aged 22-61, were examined for two weeks to understand their “normal lifestyle” and get a baseline on performance. Each participant received two NEUBIE sessions per week for four weeks. In week seven, each participant returned to their normal lifestyle to measure their “washout.” Data was gathered via a Biostrap wrist-worn device with in-application prompts for daily surveys across all seven weeks
Biostrap Labs and Neufit’s 2021 NEUBIE Study Results:
- 83% of participants reported significant improvement in pain and increased range of motion.
- 69% of participants reported improved heart rate variability (HRV).
- 63% of participants reported decreased resting heart rate without any cardiovascular training.
- Throughout the study, participants showed increased blood flow with improved arterial elasticity.
- 56% of participants increased their sleep efficiency, waking up less throughout the night and spending more time in a deep sleep state.
- 63% of participants increased their Biostrap Recovery Score by a 7% average during treatment.
This 2021 study confirmed the hypothesis that the NEUBIE can not only improve sleep quality, range of motion and pain management, but offers ancillary benefits to ANS and overall health.
To learn more about the powerful performance benefits of the NEUBIE device’s neuromuscular electrical stimulation applications, contact NeuPTtech, the leading distributor of NEUBIE devices for the physical therapy industry, today.