The NEUBIE Research Currently Underway to Improve Patient Care
Today, the NEUBIE is improving physical therapy patient care all over the US. As more clinics add it to their wellness services, it has helped their practice thrive. And at NeuPTtech, we know that a better life for the practice owner means better outcomes for patients.
Nevertheless, when private practice owners learn about the NEUBIE, they’re typically as interested as they are skeptical that it can provide the results promised.
To shed some light on the research and analytics side of the NEUBIE, there are a great deal of independent studies underway to prove the long term efficacy of the NEUBIE device for physical therapy. The following are completed, ongoing and upcoming NEUBIE research projects that NeuPTtech has been following:
Completed NEUBIE Research Projects:
NEUBIE Biostrap Study (Read NeuPTtech’s Blog on Study)
- Study Type: Commercial Within Subjects Study
- PIs: Ramona von Leden, PhD (NeuFit Director of Research) and Kevin Longoria (Biostrap Chief Science Officer)
- Location: NeuFit HQ (Austin, TX) & Competitive Edge Performance (Tampa, FL)
- # of Participants: 18
- Goal: To determine if regular use of Neubie as part of orthopedic rehab results in alterations to biometrics tracked by the Biostrap EVO wearable device. Biggest focus on biometrics related to sleep quality, recovery, arterial age and elasticity, heart rate variability, and oxygen consumption.
- Design: 7 week study – 2 week baseline, 4 week treatments 2x a week with Neubie for orthopedic pain, 1 week washout.
- Results: Neubie improved sleep efficiency, heart rate variability, range of motion, and decreased pain scores.
- Current status: Completed
- Press Release and Published Summary
University of South Florida
- Study Type: 2 Within Subjects Comparative Studies (one acute upper body focused and one long-term lower body focused)
- PI: Sam Buckner, PhD
- Location: University of South Florida (Tampa, Florida)
- # of participants: Unknown (still collecting data)
- Goal: Investigate the impact of Neubie in strength training on hypertrophy and blood flow.
- Acute Study: 24/48 hour time points post Neubie usage for hypertrophy. Measure echo intensity (as measure of blood flow), soreness, and torque pre/post test.
- Long term training study: 8 week training for muscle growth in the lower body. 2x a week within subject control for quad growth. Normal load on non-Neubie leg, half as much load on Neubie leg. Will measure muscle thickness.
- Current status: Data collection for both studies has been completed. Acute study manuscript is under review for publication; long term study manuscript is in preparation.
Health in Motion (Read NeuPTtech’s Blog on Study)
- Study Type: Qualitative FOTO (Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes) Data Comparison
- PI: Ben Solheim, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT
- Location: Health in Motion (Wausau, Wisconsin)
- # of participants: 523 cases
- Goal: Determine patient satisfaction and outcomes in orthopedic rehab cases that used Neubie for rehab sessions vs national FOTO database of cases that do not.
- Design: Multiple patient reported outcome measures which are comparable with other disability indexes.
- Current Status: Analyzing and preparing data for internal presentation.
Ongoing NEUBIE Research Projects:
Orthopedic One
- Study 1 Type: Comparative Study
- PI: Eric Lenko, MPT, PhD, OCS
- Location: Orthopedic One (Columbus metro area, Ohio)
- # of participants: unknown
- Goal: Investigate quadricep fascicle length and pennation angle comparison between Neubie and Russian estim with and without an active contraction to determine any difference in contraction of the quad within a patient’s tolerance. Utilize MSK imaging for data collection.
- Design: currently collecting data as pilot study to be used for full IRB proposal.
- Study 2 Type: Comparative Study
- PI: Kelley Holton, DPT, OCS
- Location: Orthopedic One
- # of participants: 30
- Goal: Comparison of 2500-Hz Burst Modulated Alternating Current and Pulsed Direct Current Electrical Stimulation on Isometric Knee Extension Torque. Additionally investigating evoked torque in combination with a voluntary contraction.
- Design:Subjects are tested over the course of two different sessions, with at least 5 days between testing sessions. Testing will be performed on subjects’ dominant leg and takes roughly 30-40 mins. Estim device used first is randomized.
- Current Status: Recruiting participants for second cohort.
Centura Health
- Study Type: Pilot Case Series
- PI: Courtney Ellerbusch, DPT and Dr. Julie Seibert, MD
- Location: Littleton, Colorado
- # of participants: 4-6
- Goal: Investigate using Neubie treatments on individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) to inhibit spasticity and improve functional mobility in clinically significant measures. IRB approved – long term goal to write up case series which could lead to larger RCT.
- Design: In home physical therapy treatments lasting 6 weeks. Utilizes multiple frequencies for different kinds of training. Participants currently being recruited.
- Outcomes: Both PT measurements of spasticity and self-reported outcomes using the Emilyn MS symptom tracker app (collaborative project with European based Breakthrough company that makes Emilyn App).
- Current Status: 2 subjects completed.
Dell Medical School at UT Austin & Piazza Surgical Center
- Study Type: Interventional Clinical Trial
- Location: NeuFit HQ and Piazza Surgical Center (both Austin, TX)
- # of patients: 40
- Goal: To investigate the impact of a Neubie based postoperative training regimen on early recovery in abdominoplasty patients.
- Design: Start patients on recovery training at 1 week post-op, training is 2x a week for 6 weeks. Compare with control patients (no specific training regimen). Measure abdominal range of motion, strength, and perceived pain.
- Current Status: Recruiting
Integrative Functional Medicine
- Study Type: Pilot Case Study
- PI: Cynthia Hulsted, PhD
- Location: Private practice (Whidbey Island, WA)
- # of participants: 3-5
- Goal: To investigate the use of the Neubie for management of ALS and locked-in syndrome.
- Design: Protocol for restoring movement and function of musculoskeletal system in tandem with holistic medical practices.
- Current status: Preparing case study for submission for publication.
EMG/NCV Neuropathy Study
- Study Type: Interventional Randomized Clinical Trial
- PI: Dimitrios Kostopolous
- Location: Hands On PT (3 sites, Astoria, NY)
- # of participants: 150
- Goal: To determine effectiveness of Neubie foot bath protocol in alleviating numbness and pain associated with peripheral neuropathy, both acutely and long term.
- Design: Treatment will consist of 2-3 foot baths plus PT exercises a week for 5-6 weeks (a total of 12 visits). Experimental group will receive Neubie and PT; control will receive TENS and PT.
- Current Status: Under review for IRB approval.
Seminole College Master Reset Study
- Study Type: Interventional Clinical Trial
- PI: Francisco Cidral (Chief Science Officer, BrainTap)
- Location: Sanford, Florida
- # of participants: 15 per cohort (2-3 cohorts)
- Goal: To evaluate impact of regular Neubie master resets and BrainTap meditative training on overall sleep, recovery, and athletic performance.
- Design: Treatments 3x per week – 3 groups: Master Reset only, BrainTap training only, Master Reset + BrainTap training.
- Current status: IRB approved; Training staff on Neubie.
Upcoming NEUBIE Research Projects
Baylor Scott & White
- Study Type: Pilot Case Series
- PI: Nikita Nabar, DPT, NCS, GCS and Kathleen Lynch, PT
- Location: Baylor Scott & White Lakeway Campus (Lakeway, TX)
- # of participants: TBD
- Goal: Investigate the use of the Neubie in treating patient recovery from stroke.
- Design: Protocol in development – focus is on treatment of vestibular system for balance issues and weakness.
- Current status: Pilot
St Joseph’s Hospital Post-operative Pain Study
- Study Type: Interventional Clinical Trial and retrospective analysis
- PI: Marcel Gourian, PT and associated physicians at St. Joseph’s
- Location: St. Joseph’s Hospital (Phoenix, AZ)
- # of participants: ~100
- Goal: To determine efficacy of Neubie for treatment of post-operative pain in 10 days following thoracic surgery
- Design: Post-op treatment for up to 10 days. Time points for measuring morphine usage at post-op day 2, 5, and 10. Retrospective comparison to morphine usage by patients previously seen at hospital to determine efficacy.
- Current Status: Preparing IRB application.
Tufts University Parkinson’s Disease Study
- Study Type: Interventional Clinical Trial
- PI: Linda Denney, DPT
- Location: Multiple Sites (Phoenix, Arizona)
- # of participants: TBD
- Goal: To evaluate efficacy of Neubie for treatment of Parkinson’s Disease related cognitive and motor deficits, and sleep.
- Design: Under development. May be combined treatment with boxing training and Neubie.
- Current status: Applying for grant funding.
Keystone Functional Restoration Program
- Study Type: Interventional Clinical Trial
- PI: Phil Hixson, DPT
- Location: Center for Interdisciplinary Spine (Sacramento, CA)
- # of participants: 10-12 per cohort (100+ total)
- Goal: To evaluate the impact of Neubie on pain, range of motion, and functional restoration in worker’s comp disability cases.
- Design: Program is an intensive 6 week rehabilitation program – 4 days per week of treatment and workshops. Patients will receive Neubie + PT exercises 2x a week for the duration of the program. Subjective and objective measurements will be recorded.
- Current status: Training staff on Neubie.
Want to See How the NEUBIE is Transforming Lives?
Look no further than NeuPTtech’s “Clinic Spotlights,” where we interview practice owners from all over the country and learn what led them to the NEUBIE and how it has helped them deliver better patient outcomes once it was implemented at their practice.
To learn more about the NEUBIE and any of this ongoing research, contact our team today.