CASE STUDY SNAPSHOT: Treating Neuropathy with the NEUBIE
Case Study Overview:
In this case study snapshot, we head to Kansas where a patient of Wilkens Physical Therapy had chemo induced neuropathy in both feet and hands which made him unable to walk on uneven surfaces, button his shirt, or even walk in the house without shoes on.
Even more critical, the patient had recently learned that his neuropathy was going to require him to change out the chemo drugs that had been helping with his battle with cancer. In order to improve his situation, the patient was introduced to the NEUBIE e-stim device.
Gaining the Trust of the Patient
It’s important to note that the clinician, K.J., had been seeing this patient for shoulder treatment and had already gained trust with the patient. This trust allowed the patient to open up that they were suffering from Neuropathy from cancer treatment and were willing to try the new therapy technique that K.J. suggested. K.J. trusted the process of mapping that he learned through the NEUBIE training and used it to create the treatment.
He started using the NEUBIE on bilateral LE and felt immediate improvement with neuropathy. After just two months of NEUBIE treatments, the patient now has 100% feeling in both hands and feet and has been able to remain on his current chemotherapy drugs.
“I have been seeing success with the NEUBIE since I added it to my practice but these results have been the biggest shock with using this device!”
– K.J. Wilkens
Below are the details for this specific NEUBIE neuropathy use case.
Therapist Name and Location:
- K.J. Wilkens in Scott City, Kansas
Dx/Chief Complaint:
- Chemo induced neuropathy
Evaluation Process:
- Gait, 2 point discrimination testing, dermatomal mapping
- Grip Strength, Fine motor skills testing
Initial Findings:
- Inability to discriminate with any testing
- Poor single leg and tandem stance balance
- Poor balance due to neurological deficits
- Poor nerve ending response as well as poor feeling in feet
Patient Report after Initial Evaluation:
- 25% more feeling in feet after initial treatment
Subsequent Treatment Techniques used in follow up sessions:
- Nerve Glides to LE
- NEUBIE Ankle Mapping and Water Bath at end of treatment – 500 Hz
Current Results after all Treatment Completed:
- 100% neuropathy free!
- Continuing to perform maintenance due to patient continuing Chemo
Treating Neuropathy and Other Nerve Conditions with the NEUBIE
Thank you to our client K.J. for sharing this amazing case study snapshot of how he is helping patients regain functionality and improve their lives by harnessing the innovations currently available with physical therapy technology.
Wilkens Physical Therapy has treated 10 patients so far with this program and finds that the water protocol works best. All 10 say they feel relief and see improvements after just the first session!
Plus, the patient’s physician who is treating their cancer diagnosis has even requested to discuss other ways that KJ and his team can collaborate to help more patients.
Start Changing Patient Lives with the NEUBIE
At NeuPTtech, and through our private practices in Tampa, Competitive Edge Performance, we are so proud to see the positive outcomes and the HOPE that the NEUBIE provides patients who are suffering from debilitating nerve conditions.
To learn more about how the NEUBIE can enhance your physical therapy programs or to request specific protocols, contact our team today!