What to Do After You Buy a NEUBIE Device for Physical Therapy
So, you bought a NEUBIE – now what?
If you’ve recently invested in the Neuro-Bio-Electric Stimulator commonly known as the NEUBIE, you’ve given your physical therapy practice a competitive advantage to developing better patient and business outcomes.
(If you haven’t purchased a NEUBIE yet and would like more information on how it can set your practice apart from the competition with a new kind of patient care and business model, we have in-depth resources at your service. Just visit NeuPTtech.com to learn more!)
In my own practice in Tampa, it took less than a year to have the NEUBIE completely revolutionize my therapists’ approach to patient care. Now, we could identify the patient’s neuromuscular dysfunction with 100% accuracy and then develop the right plan of care to help them heal or recover faster and return to pre-injury functionality in an average of just four sessions!
But without the proper education, training, support and protocols, I never could have turned that innovative e-stim device into the life-changing opportunity it became for me and my family.
That’s why I have dedicated the last four years of my life to training physical therapy clinicians to best utilize the NEUBIE for clinical success so they can deliver the best level of care and achieve true business success. I’ve distilled the years of research and development, patient trials and protocols and peer-reviewed NEUBIE studies into easy-to-follow NEUBIE training for physical therapy.
Currently, NeuPTtech offers a variety of NEUBIE training programs specific for physical therapists to supplement the device training available from the manufacturer, NeuFit.
The goal is to show you how to utilize the device in a clinical environment, and upon completion, you receive 6 CEUs per course and a certificate of clinical competency for the practical application course. This certificate can verify each clinician has the appropriate level of education, training and experience to safely utilize the device.
Essentially, you and your staff will get trained and up to speed as soon as possible with our NEUBIE training and support programs. We recommend each clinician who will be working with the NEUBIE take our introduction and practical application courses so they can get comfortable with using and educating (aka “selling”) the NEUBIE to your patients within two weeks!
Now, our new MVP Program even helps you bring a powerful, game-changing level of expertise to your business initiatives. It’s like bringing a fractional COO to your organization who can consult on profitability, technology, programs of care, systems and operations, scalability etc. with monthly calls and done-for-you marketing and clinical resources for just $2,500 a YEAR!
I have worked with over 200 clinics and over 3,500 clinicians to ensure the best physical therapy technology is being leveraged to help the most people as safely and quickly as possible. In the words of one of my heroes, Albert Einstein, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s that I stick with problems longer.”
If you’ve added or are ready to add the NEUBIE to your practice and want to make it the MVP of your business, let’s talk. After a quick call to identify the opportunities and challenges in front of your practice, I will design a playbook to get your profitability and patient results off the sideline and into the game. Contact NeuPTtech today!