A Reflection on the “Day One” Mindset After Attending PPS 2022
As the dust settles on another powerful APTA conference, I can’t help but reflect on the last five years – specifically the mindset shift that has made these past years the best my business has ever experienced. The Private Practice Section Conference & Exhibition played a big role in that success.
Five years ago, I went from saying, “I’ll make changes ONE DAY…” to saying, “It’s DAY ONE of making a change!”
That began at PPS all those years ago when Brian Gallagher at MEG told me that it’s possible to live the life of a practice owner that I had always dreamed of. That concept seemed foreign to me because I had grown so frustrated with the stagnant growth my practice was experiencing and the difficulties of being pulled in every direction by my team and patients. I was trying to be everything for everyone, but it only tripped me up time and time again.
Brian’s mentorship helped me get out of my own way. I was starting to understand that “what got me here, wouldn’t get me there.” To make a change, I would have to commit to stirring up the status quo a bit and see what happened when I stopped daydreaming about my goals and got intentional at achieving them.
After shifting my mindset to DAY ONE and reinvesting in myself and my business, I saw change. Quickly. By empowering employees, reorganizing my operations and clinical environment and improving my leadership, I was able to stop working IN my business and start working ON my business.
That freedom is what led to the breakthrough that launched me on another path. The path you likely found me on.
By not being caught up in the day to day duties of my clinic, I was suddenly free to innovate. I immediately began researching and testing all the physical therapy technology available. I was on a mission to find the best, fastest ways to achieve positive patient outcomes.
You’ve probably heard my story about discovering the NEUBIE and bringing it into my PT clinic. Back then, I was the only physical therapist using the device. It took time, mapping out the right protocols for different conditions and measuring results to see what was most effective – but eventually, I knew I had stumbled into something incredible – and I haven’t stopped shouting it from the rooftops since.
Today, hundreds of clinics have NEUBIEs in use at their practice and thousands of patients have sung its praises after a quicker recovery. Those patients have become practice evangelists who bring in more patients which adds rocket fuel to your business results.
Four years after starting NeuPTtech as a consultant to help PTs help others, I was able to return to PPS 2022 in Aurora with my story and with tested, proven results for a device that can give PTs the biggest competitive advantage possible.
If you haven’t been to the APTA’s PPS event, I strongly encourage you to attend next year to re-ignite yourself and your business. It’s incredible to see so many practice owners choose DAY ONE at this conference, just like I did years ago. These are the same owners who have wrestled with their growth, their services, their outcomes and their budgets and finally came to the realization that they can’t afford NOT to invest in their business! If you’re unhappy where you are and trust the people who are telling you what to change – all that’s left is to take action.
In Aurora, Colorado last week, I couldn’t help but be re-energized with the stories of my clients as they stopped me in sessions or joined me at the NeuFit booth to purchase their second or third NEUBIE to compound ROI, empower more clinicians and help even more patients.
Those same practice owners used to be the only one in their practice being requested by patients, and now, by adding a NEUBIE and training their clinicians to become experts within a week and start treating those patients, those owners can get out of their own way and start ideating on the next big thing for themselves.
PPS 2022 reminded me of my own journey and renewed my mission to be a part of yours.
<VIDEO: Learn more about my mission and the differentiator that set my practice apart.>
For any of you who have been thinking about a change, (and for some of you, I know it’s been years), I implore you to make the leap NOW so that next year when we meet again at PPS in Austin, I’ll get to hear your success story firsthand.