The NEUBIE Machine for Physical Therapy: How to Get Started
Private practice owners are discovering why the NEUBIE machine is perfect for physical therapy. And it’s actually for the same reasons that make the NEUBIE so popular with professional athletes and coaches.
The NEUBIE helps physical therapists target their patients’ neuromuscular system to trigger specific muscles and use a mapping technique in which the feedback from the electrical signals of the device is able to identify where the pain is coming from during the very first treatment. When you know the root cause of the pain, the NEUBIE can positively affect these neural limitations and adapt so that results are accelerated.
The NEUBIE’s advanced technology for physical therapy helps accelerate the patient’s internal processes. By providing the right signals, it’s possible for the patient to recover from injury, build muscle and improve overall wellness.
The NEUBIE Device and Physical Therapy
Physical therapy clinics are leveraging this game-changing electrical stimulation device to deliver the rehabilitation, reconditioning and movement prep necessary to essentially create better results for their patients.
Additionally, the NEUBIE helps reduce chronic pain and increase the body’s ability to heal by strengthening and increasing the patient’s range of motion and engaging its natural healing processes. Through neuromuscular reeducation, your musculoskeletal and nervous system will perform more efficiently.
These incredible outcomes are why the NEUBIE has been proven as an ideal solution for the physical therapist’s plan of care.
10 Physical Therapy Benefits of the NEUBIE
The NEUBIE delivers powerful physical therapy outcomes. We’ve outlined ten of the key benefits of the NEUBIE for physical therapy.
- Accelerated performance rehabilitation
- Enhanced dialogue between nervous and musculoskeletal systems
- Enhanced neuromuscular activation
- Enhanced contract and relax cycles
- Pain relief at the “source,” and beyond
- Maintaining or increasing ROM
- Increasing local blood circulation
- Preventing atrophy and reducing spasms
- Decreasing risk for Deep Vein Thrombosis after surgery
- Management of post-surgical and post-traumatic acute pain
Overall, the NEUBIE gets to the bottom of what physical therapy patients need to heal faster, get stronger or increase their range of motion and works quickly to achieve those goals.
“Most training systems are output-based, but the Neubie electrical stimulation device enables you to get in at the input level. The net effect is that you are almost able to tap into the athlete at the software level when everyone else is trying to do so at the hardware level.”
–Matt Cooper (Nutrition Consultant, Strength & Conditioning Coach, Sport Scientist)
NEUBIE Results for Physical Therapy Patients
Along with being a game-changer for patients and a definitive differentiator from the competition, the NEUBIE is creating big results for the physical therapy owner. Check out these NEUBIE reviews from private practice owners!
The NEUBIE machine can help people of all ages across a myriad of situations, including avoiding surgery, returning to play, reducing pain and increasing strength. Above all, it has helped physical therapists deliver faster results than ever before so their patients can live happier, healthier lives.
Physical Therapy Practices are improving business results with the NEUBIE as well.
- Many of the current NEUBIE clinics are startups who have achieved immediate success
- 90% of clinics that add one NEUBIE, purchase 2 or more within the first year
- 100% of PT clinics who opted into a trial of the NEUBIE in their clinic, purchased the device within the first 3 months (over 50 clinics to date)
- During COVID pandemic, many NEUBIE PT clinics added additional NEUBIE devices due to success in helping their patients uniquely cope with stress.
To learn more about the NEUBIE for physical therapy, contact NeuPTtech, the number one distributor of the NEUBIE for physical therapists in the USA. We offer a free ROI assessment to show you the impact this technology can have on your private practice.