The Difference Between the NEUBIE and Traditional E Stim Therapy
Physical therapy owners have to stay ahead of technology trends in the industry in order to serve their patients dutifully and outperform their competition. To that end, many private practices have leveraged the NEUBIE, as opposed to traditional electrical stimulation therapy, to provide an innovative option for patients who are seeking faster healing and improved mobility.
What is the NEUBIE?
The NEUBIE is the latest in physical therapy technology. Essentially a new, improved approach to electrical stimulation, it challenges traditional methods to optimize neurological function and help your patients heal faster, recover from chronic pain and improve overall performance and mobility.
When combined with Neufit protocols, this technology can be applied to physical therapy patients to maximize neurological function. Similarly, since the nervous system controls everything from muscle movement and blood pressure to metabolism and pain, the results achieved can be far-reaching.
We understand that results are essential for a private practice owner, and the NEUBIE does not disappoint. There are many instances where patients have been able to cut down recovery time by 80% and recover from torn muscles in just 2-3 weeks. Check out many other NEUBIE FAQs to learn more.
How is the NEUBIE Different Than E Stim Therapy?
You may be wondering, how does the NEUBIE compare to electrical stimulation therapy?
Several distinctions can be made, but the most important is the waveform that is used. This unique waveform has a neurophysiological effect, which allows it to produce such impressive results that may not be possible with traditional devices.
Almost every other electrical stimulation device uses an alternating current. When the devices are turned up to higher levels, they can negatively affect the patient’s neuromuscular system – causing protective co-contractions.
While E-Stim can provide benefits by mechanically pumping blood and other fluids, it can actually cause more problems with the neurological control of movement. Traditional e-stim devices reinforce dysfunctional or compensatory movement patterns that can prevent your body from healing properly and add to the painful cycle of chronic pain.
Likewise, e-stim can minimize movement efficiency and reduce the mobility of your patients. Check out how Competitive Edge Performance uses the NEUBIE to map pain points and quickly pinpoint "hot spots" during their treatments:
The NEUBIE is engineered to use Pulsed Direct Current, so the NEUBIE electrical stimulation method has the opposite effect! This technology solves the problem of skin burns that used to occur with direct current, and it can preferentially send afferent signals.
This ability allows the NEUBIE to preferentially produce sensory, afferent input while producing less motor output. The central nervous system will then respond to this signal by relaxing or fighting against it, and this is the foundation for many neurological reprogramming protocol.

Traditional Electrical Stimulation vs. the NEUBIE Electrical Stimulation
Get Started with a NEUBIE ROI Assessment
We’ve made it easy for private practice owners to stay up to date with current techniques and innovative technology, by walking them through what an investment in the NEUBIE looks like for their practice. To learn more about how the NEUBIE can serve as an alternative to E-Stim therapy, contact us today for a NEUBIE ROI Assessment.
This private practice assessment will present the various options available for purchase or rent, details regarding support and licensing, as well as how to market NEUBIE to current patients.
At NeuPTtech, our top priority is helping physical therapy practices implement leading technology that is driven by science and research. We are the leading physical therapy distributor of the NEUBIE, and we can help you grow your private practice and improve your patient experience.
Contact NeuPTtech today to get started!