The Top 3 Physical Therapy Technology Solutions of 2021
One of the easiest ways for physical therapy owners to stand out from their local competition is to win at the technology game. Even in 2021, too many clinics are still treating patients with out-dated equipment and plans of care – and their patients are noticing. As those patients seek out a new health partner, will you be considered?
Typically, as NeuPTtech consults with physical therapy businesses who are seeking a better patient experience or solutions for a cash-based business model, the conversation quickly turns to what physical therapy technology they have (or don’t have) in-house.
From there, we are able to recommend specialized techniques and groundbreaking physical therapy technology that sets them apart from their neighboring PT clinics and drives game-changing results to their business’ bottom line.
Please note: Each of these technologies are put in practice (literally) by Jason Waz at his flagship physical therapy clinic, Competitive Edge Performance, in Tampa, Florida.
Our Top 3 Physical Therapy Tech Recommendations in 2021:
In order to deliver the most specialized treatment to patients, clinic owners should consider these three physical therapy tech options:
1. NEUBIE Electrical Stimulation Device
As the #1 NEUBIE distributor for physical therapists in the US, it should come as no surprise that this neuromuscular reeducation device tops our list. When clinics incorporate the NEUBIE device into their treatment practice, their physical therapists can assess the root cause of the patient’s muscle dysfunction immediately and correct the nerve signaling pathways within one to four sessions. Since the NEUBIE can also optimize muscle strength, many practices find athletic patients actively using the device for strength and conditioning or to recover faster from injuries that are impeding their workouts. Thanks to its quick results and patient success stories, the NEUBIE is an instant ROI machine for physical therapists.
2. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Diagnostics
The constant changes, anxiety, stress induced within your home environment, family dynamics, work capacity, etc. has been a key contributor to an increase in the stress each one of us is under. NeuPTtech is a strong proponent of integrating heart rate variability (HRV) technology into your physical therapy practice to develop a baseline of your clients’ autonomic nervous system state. HRV is a non-invasive, 5-minute procedure that relies on feedback from the electrical activity of your heart to determine the body’s wellness and recovery capacity. Physical therapists then analyze this important data to uncover whether a person is in a “fight or flight” dominant state due to physical or emotional stressors. This analysis will better develop custom plans of care for patients to improve their overall health status and increase functional capacity. Check out this CEP Case Study for HRV to learn more.
3. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Treatment
Your patients are balancing the increased stress points of modern life, full work schedules, family dynamics and their mental as well as physical health. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy is a proven solution for helping the body decrease the negative effects of chronic stress. Physical therapists can use PEMF as an energy modality to stimulate cells in order to enhance the overall wellness of their patients. Now that a large segment of the workforce is working from home, their increased environmental exposure to damaging frequencies (cellular, blue lights, Wi-Fi, etc.) coupled with the increased time spent on electronic devices, stress from additional duties and lack of restorative rest has resulted in a sub-optimal state of wellness. PEMF therapy exposes the body to low frequency, short bursts of electromagnetic energy that restores cell charges so the body can attain its optimal health status easier and longer..
Bring the Right Physical Therapy Technology into Your Practice
NeuPTtech would love to invite you to schedule a quick, exploratory call to determine what ROI you can expect by bringing the right technology into your practice. Contact us today to get started.
Also, you can learn more about how Competitive Edge Performance uses HRV and PEMF to improve patient outcomes and business results.