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physical therapy coaching

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The Benefits of a Physical Therapy Clinical Coaching Program

Starting a practice can be extremely hard, and that difficulty doesn’t exactly diminish over time. With every chapter of your business comes a new challenge or opportunity to tackle. Luckily, successful practice owners are out there who have invaluable...

Get Your Business Off the Sidelines in 2023 with the MVP Program

Growing a small business is a complex, exciting journey that is always introducing new challenges around every corner. Every day, you face a range of internal and external obstacles that can prevent you from reaching your full potential and achieving the...

How to Give 100% and Differentiate from Your Physical Therapy Competition

As physical therapists, our primary focus is to help patients heal and recover from injuries and illnesses. However, in order to be successful in our field, it’s also important to have a strong understanding of where improvements, adjustments and additions to...

How to Prepare Your Physical Therapy Clinic for the New Year

Starting a new year can be daunting, but with the right preparation, you can make sure your physical therapy clinic is ready to build on the momentum of 2022 and reach the goals you set out as a practice owner.

How to Add Rocket Fuel to Patient (and Business) Outcomes

Your goal is to be the best physical therapy clinic in town so you can help the greatest amount of patients possible. To that end, our goal is to help you help others.

Physical Therapy Tips for Treating Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

March is Multiple Sclerosis month, and NeuPTtech is raising awareness by sharing some tips on how to provide support and care for patients battling this chronic, degenerative disease.

Guiding the Patient’s “Hero Journey” as a Physical Therapy Owner

As a physical therapist, have you considered the story your private practice is telling?

When is it Time to Invest in a Private Practice Business Consultant?

Private practice business consultants are a huge asset for when physical therapists open their first practice and also for when seasoned practice owners are ready to grow their clinic(s).